About Us
- I started using CBD products in 2019 initially for anxiety and trouble sleeping. Soon recognising the benefits of this amazing "secret" - I couldn't wait to tell the world. However - on the flip side, it didn't come cheap. I couldn't believe how expensive CBD based products were. My first bottle of 30ml 3000mg (10% strength) cost me well over £100.

- Following hours of research and watching countless online videos, learning how to make a good quality CBD oil - I decided I'd take the plunge and make my own tincture. It wasn't all plain sailing getting to this stage. The amount of hours and wasted oil trying to mix it and find the right consistency and flavour wasn't easy!

- Anyhow, I eventually got to a point where I was happy and began using my own product regularly (made from lab tested isolates + distillates).
In doing so, I continually reaped the rewards in both my mental health and wellbeing.
I began introducing friends and family to CBD and its benefits and soon had a small customer base which helped offset some of the cost. And now, here we are.

You might be asking why I've started cBeeDee.co.uk?
The answer is simply to continue promoting the obvious and immediate benefits CBD products have had on me, whilst keeping the costs to you - the consumer, as low as possible.